This past week I went back to school after the holiday break. For some reason that I don't know, I got this random archeology class. It turns out that this class hasn't been taught in the last twenty years. It really is a strange class, we watched a video about the pagans which were sort of like the Neaderthals just a lot crazier. Now archeology is a bit interesting but that's not what I wanted to share. The first week of class we were supposed to put a power-point of ourselves together. 5 Slides containing the 5W's of life. Who? What? When? Where? and Why? Normally I'm a very deceptive person, I don't like to share to much. I like keeping to myself and sort of remaining that mystery that everyone wants to figure out. So when I had to put the slides together I really had no clue what to put. To my surprise I had no trouble filling out the who, what, and why. But when I had to share my when and where I had no idea. I don't think you can really see where y...
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